Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Lecture Notes

The lecture notes below supplement the textbook:  Strogatz, S. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994. ISBN: 9780201543445.

  • Bead on a Thin, Rigid, Wire (PDF)
  • Bifurcations: Baby Normal Forms (PDF)
  • Tricky Asymptotic Fixed Point Notes (PDF)
  • Weakly Nonlinear Oscillators (PDF)
  • Hopf Bifurcations (PDF)


Assignment Policies (PDF)

Some of the problem sets for this course are derived from this master problem set list. (PDF)

Problem Sets



Problem Set 1(PDF)


Problem Set 2 (PDF)


Problem Set 3 (PDF)


Problem Set 4 (PDF)


Problem Set 5 (PDF)

Variable Length Pendulum Problem (PDF)
Fourier Series Problem Statement (PDF)

MATLAB® for Fourier Series

readmeFouSer.m (M)
fourierSC.m (M)
FSFun.m (M)
FSoption.m (M)
FSoptionP.m (M)
heatSln.m (M)
gibbsFSE.m (M)
Lissajous.m (M) (Use to make Lissajous Figures)


MATLAB® Information


Each exam is worth 40% of the grade.

Exam 1 (PDF)

Exam 2 (PDF)

  • Needed for Exam 2: Balancing a Broom Problem (PDF)
  • Needed for Exam 2: Coastline Fractal Problem (PDF)
  • Help for Exam 2: Variable Length Pendulum Problem (PDF)